Marinated Cucumber Salad

I followed this recipe here for a cucumber salad that I found on pinterest. Click the link to follow her recipe exactly. The one below is almost exactly like hers but just a few little changes that I made.
Marinated Cucumber Salad Recipe
3 Large cucumbers
1 medium red onion
1 large tomato
1 cup water
1 1/2 cups white vinegar
1/2 teaspoon sea salt
3 teaspoons of sugar
1 teaspoon cracker pepper
3 ounces feta cheese
First, Thinly slice the cucumbers, onion, and tomato & then I like to make them into bite size pieces, makes it easier to eat!
Look at these beautiful colors!
2nd Step, Throw all of this & the rest of the ingredients except for the cheese into a pretty fall pan (i forgot to take of picture), cover with lid or foil and marinate in the fridge overnight.
Take it out the next day for lunch & enjoy with feta cheese on top!

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