Week 11: The Christmas Wish List

Growing up every year, usually on Thanksgiving day or the day after, we would make our Christmas lists. My brother, sister, and I would make a list of all the things that we wanted for Christmas… often we would write things that we knew that we would never ever get but we still wrote them down anyways. In fact my brother even sent me his Christmas list this year. FYI, he will not be receiving anything from me that is on his list. Instead, I made his gift! I LOVE IT!! I must make one for myself now.

With that said, In being that it is so close to Christmas I decided to make a list of all the fun things I would LOVE LOVE LOVE to have, don’t need, and will most likely not get for this weeks list. This list is numbered but there is no item is listed as having a higher level of importance than another, ha.

Week 11: The Christmas Wish List

1. An Assortment of various sized canvas. I’ve been in the mood to paint for some time now, but have not purchased any new pieces of canvas yet.

2. an easel. would be lovely to have for painting on the back porch.

3. new coffee maker. nothing too fancy, just something that doesn’t spill everytime we pour. our coffee pot was rescued out of a pile of trash at my parents several years ago.

4. curtains for both living rooms.

5. black boots, no heel, kinda tall.

6. hair curling tool, but not a curling iron. i’ve seen them advertised on the tv. not too sure of their correct name. lol

7. a set of grown up plates & bowls.

8. silhouette, amazing!!

9. camera.

10. jewelry making tools. i’ve been making jewelry lately & I know that the proper tools would make the process much easier & a whole lot more fun.

11. p.s. i love you… the movie.

12. a DATE NIGHT WITH MY MAN!!!! Like a full date night! Without our sweet little Noah.

13. sewing lessons. I need some help figuring this out. lol

14. rotary cutter kit


That’s always so fun to do!!! Maybe I will get one of the things on my list!! 🙂

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